I’ve just got back from a thought provoking retreat at Wysing where we were invited to explore underlying concepts around processes of making, materiality and craft. For my workshop we made and documented the making of concrete whilst watching ‘Great Expectations, a journey through the history of visionary architecture’ and reciting from William Morris’s text ‘How We Live and How We Might Live’.
The participants were: Briony Clarke, Traven T. Croves (Andrew Lister & Matthew Stuart), Lawrence Epps, Amanda Loomes, Victoria Mitchell, Rupert Norfolk, Beatriz Olabarrieta, Natalie Pace and Ellen Mara De Wachter
With invited speakers: Dr. Spike Bucklow, David Mabb, Amanda Game, Dr Catharine Rossi and Conor Wilson
How We Make and How We Might Make was funded by Arts Council England through an initiative to support the development of crafts in the East and South East of England.